Terms and Conditions
Booking Terms and Conditions including Refund Policy
(applicable to surf & yoga lesson bookings only
When booking surf lessons via the website, full payment is required to Santa Cruz Surf Maroc at time of booking. Lessons booked by other means (phone, walk in etc.) are subject to the same terms and conditions as mentioned above. Lesson times are occasionally subject to change depending upon tides and sea conditions, any changes will be notified in advance via email, phone or text message
Should Santa Cruz Surf Maroc have to cancel a surf lesson, due to adverse weather, beach closure or flat conditions, then an alternative time / session will be offered. If this is not suitable, then Santa Cruz Surf Maroc will offer a voucher credit or a full refund to the client of any monies paid for surf lessons.
Please notify us at least 21 days in advance of any changes to the number of guests. We cannot guarantee that extra guests can be accommodated, unless pre-booked.
A declaration form must be filled in and completed on arrival at Santa Cruz Surf Maroc before a person can take part in any course.
Participants in surf lessons must be at least 8 years old and be able to swim at least 50 metres
We may photograph the surf lessons (outside of the premises). These photographs may be used for or own promotional purposes.
Any cancellations or changes to your booking must be made in writing and will only be accepted from the date they are received. Refunds for cancellations are as follows:
4 weeks or more to lesson date = 50% refund
Less than 4 weeks to lesson date = no refund. Santa Cruz Surf Maroc will not offer refunds to customers wishing to cancel surf lessons from 4 weeks to lesson date. The Manager reserves the rights to affect this policy based upon unique circumstances, however the Manager’s decision is final
Santa Cruz Surf Maroc takes no liability in respect of personal injury, loss, damage or third party claims which occur through no fault of their own or their instructors and cannot accept responsibility for any of the reasons cited above that a person may incur whilst participating in any of the activities unless Santa Cruz Surf Maroc can be proven negligent.
By taking part in surf lessons supplied by Santa Cruz Surf Maroc I agree to the following:
I accept that I participate at my own risk and I confirm that I have my own insurance to cover any such injury, loss or damage or have chosen not to take out such insurance even though I understand that this is my responsibility.
I have declared any medical conditions (e.g. asthma, epilepsy etc.) or any other special needs that may affect mine or others’ safety whilst participating and accept Santa Cruz Surf Maroc does not accept any responsibility for any conditions not disclosed.
I will not be permitted to consume alcohol or drugs prior to or during the surf lessons. Staff reserve the right to refuse participation to anyone considered to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
I agree to allow Santa Cruz Surf Maroc to use photographs, of the surf lessons, taken by them or any nominated third party, for their promotional purposes.
I agree to abide by all decisions and adhere to all instructions that Santa Cruz Surf Maroc staff and instructors make whilst under their supervision.
Santa Cruz Surf Maroc staff may require any participant to leave the surf lesson without compensation if that person acts in such a manner as to endanger him/herself or any other user or staff member.
The prices printed on the website or on other media are valid at the time of publication. Santa Cruz Surf Maroc reserves the right to increase or reduce any of the prices any time after publication. Any changes will be made clear at the time of booking.
Santa Cruz Surf Maroc reserves the right to cancel or change course dates subject to notification of those persons booked on to course.
At Santa Cruz Surf Maroc we endeavour to give all our students a first class surfing experience, however due to external factors we occasionally have to assess whether the conditions are suitable to run a surfing lesson.
The size of the waves will be judged by the Head coach and he will decide whether the size is suitable for a lesson, taking into account these factors: o Is the wave big enough to propel surf board forward?
Is the length of ride long enough to allow standing up.
Is the level of surfing to be taught suitable to operate a lesson (i.e? paddling practise for more advanced lessons) The body size of the surfer and group size can also affect this Extreme Weather Conditions (i.e. high winds, big seas)
In the situation of extreme weather condition, the Head coach will assess whether it is safe and practical to operate a lesson. He will address the following factors:
Are the lifeguards on duty and is the beach “red flagged”
Is the wind direction / swell size such to cause danger (i.e. off shore winds)
What is the experience of the clients (i.e. beginners or more advanced surfers?)
Refund & Cancellation Policy (due to flat or extreme conditions)
In case of lesson cancellation due to adverse weather conditions or flat surf, we will offer the ability for our pre-paid customers to come back on an alternative day when weather conditions are suitable for a surf lesson. We will also offer alternative activities where possible.
If the customer is unable to change their surfing lesson to a different day / time we will offer Santa Cruz Surf Maroc voucher to the value of the surf lessons missed. This voucher is then valid for one year and can be used at any time.
If a cash alternative is required, then Santa Cruz Surf Maroc will only offer this when the lesson has been cancelled by the Head coach due to adverse or flat conditions. A cash refund will not be offered to customers who choose to cancel their lessons for other reasons – please refer to the Booking Terms and Conditions for further information